ACNS Early Career Researchers
Welcome to the official page for Early Career Researcher Members of ACNS!
This page serves as a way to crowdsource the sharing and dissemination of ECR-relevant bits and bytes that may be of interest to ECR ACNS Members. Examples include job postings, conferences, grant opportunities, workshops, articles, etc. in Cognitive Neuroscience.

Who we are
The ACNS Early Career Researcher (ECR) sub-committee is comprised of PhDs and Post-Doctoral representatives at varying stages of their career. The aims of the ECR sub-committee are to develop and promote a supportive early career research community, and provide representation within the society. The sub-committee also hopes to provide a forum for discussing issues relevant to ECRs and support community members to have a successful and enjoyable start to their research careers.
What we do
- Provide ECR support across the Society
- Provide links to career resources for ECRs
- Increase communication between the society and ECRs
- Provide one source of mentorship through peer-to-peer mentoring within the society
- Provide links to resources for gaining skills essential for cognitive neuroscientists in ACNS
- Open avenues for collaboration between ECRs across universities
- Enable ECRs connectivity between ECRs and the broader cognitive neuroscience research community