Keep up to date with news about upcoming events, job announcements, or news about the Society either through our regular ACNS Newsletter or our Facebook Group discussion page.

Open letter to DVCRs and HODSPA

The ACNS executive has written an open letter to the Deputy Vice Chancellors (Research) of the Universities of Australia and New Zealand, and the Heads of Departments and Schools of Psychology Association (Australia).

2020 ACNS Mental Health Survey

In 2020, the ACNS ECR Committee surveyed our membership, and the message was clear: many of us are struggling through difficult times. So, the ACNS Executive have put together this important resource for our Society. We hear from our President, A/Prof Tom Carlson, and Gemma Lamp shares her experiences as a cognitive neuroscientist living with mental health challenges. We present the findings from the 2020 ACNS Mental Health Survey, and provide important details on how to seek support if you need it.

ACNS Newsletter

All members of the ACNS receive our regular email Newsletter, with information about upcoming events and general information to members. If you have any news to add to the ACNS Newsletter, please email details to: We aim to send the Newsletter out at the start of each month.

You can read the current newsletter here

Facebook Group

We also have a Facebook Group page where anyone can post announcements about events, jobs available, or anything of interest to the cognitive neuroscience community. You don’t need to be an ACNS member to view the page, but you need to join the ACNS Facebook Group page to post messages and to receive messages by email. This group is semi-moderated: We will remove any inappropriate posts and can remove people from the group if necessary.

If Facebook is a mystery to you and you just want to receive posts by email, simply join the Facebook Group page (you have to wait for one of us to approve and add you), find “Notifications” on the menu bar on the ACNS Group page, and set to “All Posts”. You will then receive any posts by email. You can also send posts to the group without logging in to Facebook, by emailing directly to: